Kickshaw Cookery and Brooklyn Brewery


A few months back, we had the privilege of catering an event at Brooklyn Brewery for New York State Governor’s Office. We had a wonderful time working with their staff and being in the tasting room.

Looking for a great space to throw a party? Brainstorming an activity for a team-building event? Brooklyn Brewery is open to the public, and also rents out its (amazing) tasting room for private events. You’ll have access to their tasty beers on tap… and why not throw in some treats from us! We are thrilled to announce that we are now on their preferred vendor list.

Brooklyn Brewery

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about us:

Kickshaw typically means a delicacy, a tasty tidbit. At Kickshaw Cookery we take this to mean food that is thoughtfully prepared, personal, and delicious. We are committed to making food that is both comforting and exciting — sometimes healthier, always tastier! Let us feed you through our Got Lunch? program, Catering service, and Dinner Parties.



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