Six Year Old Dumpling-makers: A Birthday Party


We were going over a menu proposal with a client the other day when she paused mid-sentence and said,

I just want to put this out there, OK. I have this crazy idea...”

There exists a moment as caterers when a client utters those exact words, and your mind, uncontrollably, starts spinning worst case scenarios. Luckily, those fears were never realized.

“My daughter loves dumplings, and I was wondering if you could do a dumpling making station for the kids.”

Now this we could handle. We quickly enlisted our friend, the talented Isabel of Studio Roxas (she’s done all our branding, too!) to develop illustrations for our hand-outs. We even created Ziplock to-go give away bags with mini paper tags so that each kid could take home the dumplings they made. Check them out below!

There was wrangling involved but we managed to hold their attention for more than five minutes. After working through the basic shapes of half-moon, crescent, and the folded star, the kids went on to freestyle a bit, naming each new shape as they went, and we tore through over 100 dumpling wrappers!

It ended up to be the perfect activity for a group of six-year olds (and a few toddlers, too!) ~ and a nice way to spend our Saturday afternoon.


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Kickshaw typically means a delicacy, a tasty tidbit. At Kickshaw Cookery we take this to mean food that is thoughtfully prepared, personal, and delicious. We are committed to making food that is both comforting and exciting — sometimes healthier, always tastier! Let us feed you through our Got Lunch? program, Catering service, and Dinner Parties.



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